Our services


Manual Therapy

We use a range of manual therapy techniques such as soft and deep tissue massage, mobilisation, high velocity manipulations, passive stretching and muscle release. We go through our assessment to see which of the technique/s would benefit you.



Often traumatic injuries such as arm, hand, finger, ankle or foot injuries require splints, casts or moonboots to manage it. We liaise with orthopaedic surgeons to provide you with the best treatment possible for your injury.


Exercise Therapy

We specialise in creating programs that help increase your function and reduce pain. Through evidence- based techniques, we are able to get to the root of the problem enabling us to give you the most efficient program.


Dry Needling

Dry needling is a scientific concept based on acupuncture to help reduce your pain levels. We do two different types of dry needling- one is global which helps desensitise the pain area whereas the second one is specific to a muscle helping us do a trigger point release.

Questions before getting started? Get in touch.